drvamp's current research
drvamp's personal site and laboratory
youre making drvamp blushing by reading this! :(((
2025-12-01 // start of the drvamp's site
2023-19-06 // drvamp's birthday
2025-13-01 // dying drvamp not knowing what to do with site

drvamp IS REAL!

drvamp is drvamp an object and also a living thing at once! ISN'T THAT AWESOME!? whatever drvamp is very much drvamping with everything! drvamp also goes by the name drvampie and drvampye but NEVER drvag. that's the very evil drvamp!

dah 1

funny music here! also im vegan

  • friend 1 - hi
  • friend 2 - hi
  • friend 3 - exploded